A collection of literature, software and databases commonly used in LCA
ILCD Handbook
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Category: Book | Free | Essential
Probably the most extensive guideline for LCA. The “General guide for Life Cycle Assessment” is “a comprehensive, detailed guide as well as a “cook-book”-style guide for experienced LCA practitioners. It covers all aspects of conducting an LCA” (EC-JRC). Additionally, the ILCD Handbook comprises a number of more specific guidelines on several LCA-topics.
LCA discussion list (PRé)
PRé Consultants
Category: Other | Free | Essential
Pretty much every LCA-expert is in this list. And everyone interested in LCA should join! It is used for announcements and questions. The community is very helpful, even beginner’s requests are answered patiently. Select “Regular” if you want to receive every e-mail or “Digest” if you want to receive all messages of one day in a single email.
openLCA Nexus
GreenDelta GmbH
Category: Website | Free | Normal
Nexus is a repository for free and commercial LCA databases for openLCA. Registration is required to access the databases. Free databases available: Agribalyse, BioEnergieDat, ELCD, NEEDS, USDA, and the Ecoinvent LCIA methods. Commercial databases: Ecoinvent, GaBi, Ökobaudat, ProBas, Social Hotspot, LC-Inventories.ch
The hitch hiker’s guide to LCA
Henrikke Baumann; Anne-Marie Tillman
Category: Book | Commercial | Recommended
This book is considered standard literature for LCA beginners. It is well-written, contains information on the basics of LCA and provides a multitude of exercises. However, it does not provide guidelines for any LCA software.
H. Scott Matthews, Chris T. Hendrickson, and Deanna H. Matthews
Category: Book | Free | Normal
A free e-book and additional resources.
[Please let us know if you have experience with this resource]
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